Monday, February 28, 2011

It's a Looooooooooooong Story

I'm gonna do a compilation post for this latest update.

We start from Karnival Keluarga Sakinah which was held at Masjid Bandaraya from 10th-13th March. The news reported 5000 people came to the Karnival. I'd say it's a success. Credit to Mek Siti & friends.

Main Stage

Activities for children in progress

The Promotion Banner

Pictures below will be described as "fresh face from taking a long nap and sleep"

fuiyooo idong kembang

wink~ wink~

The title for pictures below: "When I Wants Baba's Kue Pau"

silently, Arif said: "Ya Allah, please don't let Baba finish it"

Ok, this is my chance, Baba's on the phone!!

I can almost reach it... Please let Baba talk longer

Oh noooooooooooo!!!! It's too late!!!!!

Ehehehe nasib baik dapat makan jugak.

The title for pictures below: Aksi-aksi ketika di meja makan

Buang tisu merata-rata di Restoran Taufik Hidayah, Putatan

Control hensem depan kamera kat Restoran Sutera Bayu, Alamesra

Fikir menu apa nak makan kat Restoran Puteri Hang Li Po

Aksi marah pelayan sebab order lambat sampai kat KFC, Wawasan Plaza

Aksi suruh mommy cepat suap makanan sebelum muntah & terpaksa tukar baju & seluar.

The title for pictures below: Let's go shopping with my money

At Eaton's. Atuk bought lotsa books here. I got 1 big book & 1 padded alphabet book

I want that!

We're searching for fan & light for Pak Ngah's new room

Buying house stocks


Counting money

These balance, i'll put into my Public Mutual account

Title for pictures below:  RANDOM

Aunty buli

mommy mesti ada

Nanges tukar baju masa celebrate birthday aunty epah kat SR
The End

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Facial Expressions of Arif

Pics were taken on 16/2/2011 at Suria Sabah.

baru lepas susu

first time pegang belon


ada niat tersembunyi

ni mmg muka pakngah

tayang gigi 2 batang


uuuu (belajar pouting dari makngah)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journey to the West

Spent half of my day in the car. Mom & Baba got lotsa works to do with various destinations. One of it is Karnival Keluarga Sakinah. Believe me u won't regret. There'll be booths selling everything! On Saturday night, In Team will perform there after Isya'. U can win lots & lots of hampers. Wanna know the amount? 100 hampers to be won everyday! Hesitate no more. Bring your whole family & friends and let's spread the love. It's FREE.

Venue: Masjid Bandaraya, Likas, Kota Kinabalu.
Date: 11,12 & 13 February 2011
Time: Morning - night.

Invitations to Karnival Keluarga Sakinah

Mommy make sure I'm in total comfort while following them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Update on Pus

Today we went to Dr. Mustafa's Clinic to check my right ear as it still have the ikan masin smell. Doc said the pus' no longer there. Most probably the smells came from the dead bacteria or such but he still ask my parents to drop antibiotic to my ear for a week. Mom & Baba got their blood test result. Mom was in tiptop condition except for 0.01 exceeded uric acid & Baba with 1.5 exceeded bad cholesterol. Oh, mom got tonsil in her throat.

Screw driver dah jadi lollipop :: At Rohayu, Sembulan.

Mom, Baba's playing with my keys.

Baru bangun. 23/1/2011
Yes? What do u want? .... 1/2/2011
Ngee~ bestnya mandi .... 4/2/2011


Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Collect Debt

Show them this finger signal
If they refuse, show ugly faces to scare them
Karate them IF necessary
Be strict. No negotiation
See. I got my money already
Show me the money~money~money~

Grinning for my successful debt collecting mission.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Duckling Eating Technique & Magic.

Today I'm gonna teach u how to eat a duckling & 1 magic trick. We start with the duckling first.

First, feel the sweetness taste of the duckling
Start from the head

Keep munching it because it's a bit liat

Tadaaaaaaaa. Successfully ate the duckling's head. It taste like plastic.

Now, we move to my first magic trick. It's called: How to make your baby bites dissappear!

First, fill your mouth with Baby Bites like this
Stuffed it properly
Tadaaaaa.. it's gone! Hehehhe


Someone get me outta HERE!!!!